Joaquín Jurado Maqueda
Doctor of Philosophy, PhD Candidate

After this masterclass I shared my purpose in life with others. They all supported me, and found it weird as I had never talked about that.

At the masterclass Purpose-in-Life, ESRs have been invited to re-analyse the past, relish the present and desire the future. During this first module they have been exploring their destiny, their passion and purpose in life, and their Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG). A purpose that may even seem out of reach, a little crazy but that you cannot let go of. This day was an opportunity to get inspired by many stories. One story was of a man who’s definitely familiar with chasing dreams. He told the ESRs how he turned an almost impossible goal into reality and how he is now contributing to a better, more sustainable world. Inspired by this story that dreams really can come true if you chase them hard enough, ESRs spent time to reflect on where they are today and what legacy they want to leave behind. This resulted in magical moments when every ESR shared his/her purpose in life.

After this masterclass I shared my purpose in life with others. They all supported me, and they found it weird as I had never talked about that.

Joaquín Jurado Maqueda
Doctor of Philosophy
PhD Candidate Oncology, Haematology and Pathology, Università di Bologna


You can read the whole article on the website of VAGABOND

VAGABOND innovates with personal development for ESRs