The power of time off. This is the title of an interesting article by Psychology Today, introducing PTO – Predictable Time Off – time when you do not check emails or work remotely, for example at the family dinner table.
‘Do you work around the clock, just because you can?
If so, you aren’t alone. These days we check our smartphones (and laptops) constantly to abate our anxiety that we are missing something. Are we supposed to be responding urgent at work? What if someone called about really something important? Constant device checking looks a lot like an addiction – or obsessive compulsive disorder. One study found that many people respond to ‘phantom phone vibrations’ – they think they feel their phone vibrating even when it isn’t.
And even if we aren’t addicted or don’t check our emails and texts and feeds compulsively, often our mental health is still at stake. Certainly, productivity and satisfaction with your life are.’
You can read the whole article, published on February 8th, 2019, that shows how executives improved their work-life balance satisfaction as well as their productivity at work by consciously taking a digital detox daily, which they call Predictable Time Off (PTO).
In the the-power-of-time-off-retreats in nature and during the the-power-of-time-off urban workshops participants are encouraged to give themselves the present of a digital detox. This way one profits from the power of time off – improving mental health, productivity and satisfaction.