Alieke Couturier – van Esterik
Stress intervention expert

This week I have changed. It was refreshing to step out of the bubble and reconnect with the larger world and my self.

‘I wanted to unplug from my daily routine. To enjoy ME-time, to recharge and to be grateful for all I have achieved in life. As a stress intervention expert I find it important to practice what I preach. Already from the moment I booked myself in the power of time off retreat my journey began. I started to appreciate my new slow-living lifestyle in the Spanish countryside (which is a huge difference from my years in Dubai).

This week something changed inside of me, I continue in a different way which feels pleasant. I experience inner-peace and I feel so grateful for all there is. I have learned new techniques to (re-)act mindful to life situations, such as a power meditation, meditation in movement and activating the senses during nature walks. It was refreshing to step out of the bubble that is my life and reconnect with the larger world, the universe and my self.’

Alieke Couturier – van Esterik
Stress intervention expert