Top perfomers must be mentally and emotionally fit at the workplace. Our solution: BeVital

With very little time a day we can achieve all-new levels of performance productivity and personal satisfaction. Your talents will bring their best selves to the workplace and home.

BeVital is an online individual program and also includes group sessions and joint online reflection. We combine our exclusive E-learning platform with online live sessions that you do together with others. Together is easier and more fun.

The holistic approach of our BeVital year-program includes four modules to practice well-being as a foundation skill.



             Nature Connection                                    Mind Training 


            Nutrition & Lifestyle                            Stress relief & Sound sleep

Why organizations work with our BeVital program

The continuity of a long-term program with short online collective preventive interventions are key in the lasting impact on adaptability to change at the workplace, creating connections with colleagues and within oneself and decreasing absenteeism costs.

We measured up to 19.9% reduction in psychological exhaustion, 28,2% decrease in stress symptoms, and 5.6% increase in resilience at work. And beyond the numbers lay a deeper truth – participants found solace in online sharing circles, where personal stories were met with empathy and support. The program’s adaptability and variety were appreciated, and also the improvement of connection and fellowship among colleagues.

The results at the workplace

  • New levels of performance and productivity
  • Sustainable business relations
  • More resilience in an environment of constant change
  • Collaborating harmoniously in teams
  • Leading compassionately and responsibly

“This program was a laundry for the brain. It created a calm and cleaning effect on the mind.”

- Participant

Return on investment on personal level

  • Thinking clearly and reacting mindfully
  • Better focus and concentration
  • Experiencing less stressed and more energized
  • Feel more united with the team and the management
  • Find better structure for the day

Ingrid Valks

Interested to work together? Let’s connect!