Educational Experiences
to Rebalance and Grow Human Skills

the power of time off – Who we are. 

A boutique Human-Skills development firm for sustainable employability and conscious leadership. We navigate top-performers in business and science towards Future-Ready leaders. Upskilling people, teams and organizations to stay healthy and happy, to unleash potential and purpose and to be better prepared for 21st-century challenges. We offer three core programs:

• BeyondU personal development – and leadership program. Develop human-skills and self-mastery tools in an AI-empowered workplace.

• E-Vitality courses. To train mental resilience and fitness and reach all-new levels of performance, productivity and personal satisfaction.

• Retreats in nature. A the power of time off retreat is a complete internal reset. A journey to fully recharge and to find inner peace.

We believe in a more human world where people live and work more conscious, with more compassion and connected with themselves and their communities.

Will you join us? We are the power of time off.
Humanizing people and organizations

Saturday 18 May - Friday 24 May 2024
Location: In Transylvania, Romania, last secret garden of Europe Read more

Rated highly for delivering well-being transformations with impact. For people and organizations. A holistic approach including body movement, mind training, nature connection and nutrition. Educational experiences to elevate your life and boost your professional influence.

Woensdag 18 september, 16 oktober, 20 november, 18 december 2024 en 29 januari 2025, van 09:00 - 17:00 uur
Location: De Hoorneboeg, midden in het bos en aan de Hilversumse Hei Read more

Guiding top performers, sports teams and entrepreneurs to rebalance and grow. Educational experiences to attract&engage human capital and to unlock human skills as foundation tools for future-ready people and organizations.

Increase self-awareness, define your purpose and practice well-being. Technical skills you learn and you get a degree. Human skills you experience and embed in your body&heart. New leadership is required in this rapidly changing world.

Understanding people and creating connections, including with ourselves, is one of the most important new aspects of life. Conscious leaders inspire change and (re-)connect people, teams and generations.

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Practice well-being
as a foundation skill |
Reduce absence costs

The holistic approach of our virtual retreat calendar includes four e-health programs to practice well-being as a foundation skill. To increase your resilience, manage your vitality and your work-life balance you can train your mind, reconnect with nature, eat well and yin your body in your yang life.

People from 22 countries did participate in a the power of time off project. Our  educational experiences (action learning) are easy to understand and no experience is required.

Virtual retreat results include a better understanding of yourself, improved mental well-being, improved sleep pattern, better focus, structure to your day and last but not least a feeling of camaraderie as you to it together with others. Together it is more easy and more fun.

Boost your resilience and vitality with the Vitality Wheel by I. Valks

Develop human skills
as foundation tools |
Attract&Engage human capital

Human skills will be in higher demand across industries. Human skills are personal competences that require a mind-body-heart connection and describe a wide range of characteristics relevant to collaborate effectively and harmoniously in teams, leading responsibly and being self-aware.

BeyondU is the name of the personal growth program for entrepreneurs and for top performers in corporates and science. The six pillars in the humanity wheel develop human skills as foundation tools for future-ready leaders.

Attendees participate in blended educational experiences in order to achieve a better understanding of their purpose, share their true identity with the world, understand the impact of values and beliefs , boost emotional intelligence, experiment with new leadership behavior and demonstrate moral courage.

The European Commission evaluated BeyondU as ‘innovative and outstanding’.

Elevate your top performers with the Humanity Wheel by I. Valks



Humanizing Science

We are on a mission, we want to deliver to society the next generation of...

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Ingrid Valks, founder the power of time off @TEDx Amsterdam

We are thrilled to share Ingrid Valks, founder of the power of time off, has...

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Elevate your top performers towards Future-Ready Leaders

There is a global movement towards the need for NEW PERSONAL COMPETENCES: human skills. In...

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